Distance LAB – remote service hub for SME’s and public sector
Distance LAB

Inspiring consortium meeting in Riga

20 June 2024
Even remote work related project people need to see and talk live every now and then! The DistanceLAB crew met in Riga in May for a check out being near in the middle of the project.
Technical details

There was a meeting about the of the work package two and what has been done, but mostly the eyes were in the future and in the piloting phase. Also a hybrid steering group meeting was held during the Riga days, and there was a good discussion about reaching the target groups and the challenges of remote work.

Special workshop was held about the internationalization tool, one of the DistanceLAB pilots. Being able to help the target groups the best way and help them benefit from the tool and also from the network requires common understanding in the network. The workshop helped to understand how to use the tool in guiding the SME’s in balancing the risks, challenges and opportunities when considering reaching out to new markets.

The latter day of the meeting was dedicated to Living Labs workshop. All the partners are to start living lab activities, and the workshop opened the eyes to all the different ways this can be done and made the partners go deeper into details. There will be amazing living labs to come!

Thank you University of Latvia for hosting the whole DistanceLAB crew and organising the most warmhearted and inspiring event!