Between remote work and traditional office
15 December 2023
Currently there are 10 partners running 7 different work spaces that are the region’s alternative and intermediate solution between home office and the traditional office landscape.
In coworking places businesses, entrepreneurs, freelancers, public employees, visitors and others can have their workplace for shorter or longer periods and together create a working community. DistanceLAB project sees this as an interesting viewpoint to remote work, and is cooperating with Cowork Romsdal: the Norwegian DistanceLAB team is actively testing the coworking premises and curiously following the feedback on this intentive. Project manager for the Cowork Romsdal project Lasse Kristiansen presented their idea and implementation in DistanceLAB target groups event in November. DistanceLAB in turn is a window for Cowork Romsdal to the needs, ideas and contacts of different actors and potential cooperating partners in the Baltic Sea Region.
Get to know the Romsdal concept for sharing and co-creation beyond the individual cowork locations via the links below. Their goal is to make the region more attractive and accessible, regardless of workplace – so that it can lead to less commuting and more jobs. This serves both the sustainability and the remote work development goals of our project as well.