Informative webinar to introduce interested parties to Circular spaces
12 December 2023
The meeting focused on the project’s goal of making makerspaces more circular and sustainable. The project aims to train 300 makers and pilot at least five circular business ideas. Partners from various organisations in Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Denmark and Germany introduced themselves, each with a role in the development of circular maker spaces and training programs for makers and SMEs. The collaborative nature of the project was highlighted, with partners from different countries and sectors working together to promote sustainable development and circular economy principles.
First insights of the guidelines for transforming makerspaces into circular makerspaces were presented, along with a SWOT analysis of makerspaces and a list of possible steps towards circular makerspaces. An education program was also discussed, which aims to create resources for makers and makerspaces to initiate behavioural changes towards more circular behaviour and approaches. In the survey for makerspace communities respondents were found to be fairly knowledgeable about circular economy, but there is still room for improvement. Budget constraints and lack of knowledge and training were identified as the main barriers to invent circular practices in makerspaces.
The meeting also introduced a digital circular collaboration tool, which aims to transform makerspace from linear to circular economy. The tool will help makers and makerspaces transition from linear to circular business models, and will include a matchmaking process for suppliers and makers to meet. The progress made in the project was presented, and partners were invited to provide feedback and collaborate in the development of education programs.Â
We invite and encourage webinar participants and everyone else who is interested in participating in the future events like workshops, discussions etc. to contact their local partners or lead partner for more information, as well as, see all updates on project’s website.