‘Circular spaces’ partners meet in makerspace ‘Creator’ in Norway
03 June 2024
During the meeting, the activity leaders presented the progress made so far and the plans to implement the planned activities within the timeframe set for them. The partners also presented the progress made so far in the different activities, thus sharing experiences and drawing inspiration from each other. This time, special attention was also paid to the communication activities of the project. To get to know each other better and to strengthen team spirit, part of the meeting was spent in an informal setting – a hike to the popular Norwegian destination Preikestolen.
Currently, the project has developed a training programme and guidelines for makerspaces, which include recommendations on how to become a circular makerspace. Other planned developments in the project will be finalised soon. To ensure that the solutions developed are suitable for the target groups, it is important to involve representatives of the target groups during the piloting phase in order to obtain feedback and evaluation as well as suggestions. After collecting this feedback, the solutions will be refined so that by the end of the project, improved, appropriate solutions will be available.
The meeting included communication workshops in which project partners had to work in groups and build the project’s summary. After the workshop partners acknowledged that this workshops was a great way on how to think about the project from a different perspective, as well as, share vision of the project among the partners.
The upcoming months will be as active as ever – organising workshops, events and activities in the Baltic Sea Region! Check our project’s website to keep updated!