Mainstreaming 1.5° lifestyles
17 February 2025
This could be a question asked by a circular economy expert in any of the EU 1.5° Lifestyles project discussions about policies and tools for promoting and implementing low carbon lifestyles. And why not, because 1.5° lifestyles and a circular economy are mutually supportive approaches that share a common goal. While the question of the circularity of materials is easier to answer, food is a different type of resource. Discussions about the circularity of food are relatively new and less common. However, this challenge is being addressed by the partners of the Circular FoodShift project.
There is a variety of circular food initiatives. They are based on the resource value retention hierarchy and the food waste hierarchy. These initiatives ensure the transition from linear to circular food production and consumption, and from waste generation to waste prevention and management of leftover resources. All of them emphasize the holistic value of food as opposed to the economic value of food. Read the full blog written by Inga Belousa from Green Liberty here.