BSR Go-abroad - building market and supply chain opportunities for micro SMEs within the Baltic Sea Region
BSR Go-abroad

The BSR Go-abroad programme has officially been launched

03 June 2024
The BSR Go-abroad program is now active, and the first companies are already enrolling to take advantage of the support offered to expand their businesses into international markets. Don't wait, join us now!
Technical details

Are you running a company that is curious about exploring new business opportunities in the Baltic Sea Region?

  • NEW Customers
  • NEW Suppliers
  • NEW Expertise
  • NEW Partnerships
  • Innovation, funding, etc.

If your answer is YES, then meet our local BSR partner representatives in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, and Sweden.

What can BSR Go-abroad offer you?

✅ 360 READINESS ASSESSMENT: expert guidance and coaching – focus on international readiness assessment,

✅ TRAINING: building International Capabilities. Access to market data and insights – You get the tools & knowledge to grow your business internationally,

✅ MATCHMAKING: a large international network of like-minded peers and specialists.

Contact us today to learn more and start your journey with BSR Go-abroad!