Communication Products Mid-term Report
07 August 2024
The project is addressing the technology talent gap in BSR with a dedicated Toolbox for fostering DeepTech entrepreneurship – a set of readily available tools for inspiring students and young researchers (S/R) to explore starting a business.
DeepTech innovations are expected to deliver transformative solutions for global challenges. Strong supply of DeepTech startups boosts innovation. Increased innovation in the economy provides better solutions for future crises. Inspiring potential startup founders and introducing skills development at the preincubation stage the Toolbox increases their chance for market success.
The tools will be used in multiple configurations by actors supporting technology entrepreneurship such as business support organisations, sectoral agencies, higher education and research institutions. The toolbox is made available for other regions and technology areas.
Within the activities of the Project’s 1st and 2nd Semester, we have performed stakeholder needs analysis and joint prepared  workshops scenarios piloting the end solution. The Partners have also jointly developed the draft of the BSR Deeptech Launch Student post-workshop Survey – the 2nd Feedback Survey – and defined the KPIs. Then, the KPI’s have been consulted with the Project’s RSG. This ardurous process enabled for the most refined version of both the Workshops and the Survey to be developed. All this was made possible thanks to the significant help and feedback we have received from our Regional Stakeholders. This will help developing a final form of a toolbox based on the findings and providing wide dissemination of project results. Toolbox development will involve stakeholders feedback at all stages ensuring high efficiency and applicability of tools. Real testimonials, interactions and role playing will be used to empower students to gain valuable insights and personal experience. Toolbox implementation will prepare S/R to initiate business in any region and to cooperate transnationally.