BSG Go! @ Spilbar 57
11 December 2023
On 20 November 2023, the auditorium of the Royal Danish academy was the space hostingĀ an exciting event organised by Spilbar and Thomas Vigild.
Some game companies succeed, some fail. But what are the moments that make or break a company or game project?
Developers such as Riley Andersen (former CEO of Umami and Taphouse Studio), Bjakre Brint (different leadership roles, e.g. with MovieStarPlanet), shared their breathtaking tales of the decisions that broke or saved their companies and projects. Tools and methods to help decision-making in game business were presented by the panelists covered a broad area of expertise within the game industry:
Graham McAllister, an organisational psychologist helping teams align with their game’s vision, explained the method of “Team Vision Alignment Check” .
Jesper Juul, a video game researcher, currently with the Royal Danish Academy and through them a member of the BSG Go! consortium, presented together with his colleagues Alessandro Canossa and Emil Hammar the opportunities of their tool Mentat, a resilience indicator tool, presenting their report on what makes Danish Game Companies successful. The report was created with data collected as part of the BSG Go! activities
Over 200 people from the Scandinavian game developercommunity attended this event which was a great success with excellent presentations and a very lively discussion.