Co-creative workshop held in Skive!
28 November 2023
On November 27th Blue Green Bio Lab partners Climate Foundation Skive and Energibyen Skive together with Food and Bio Cluster Denmark held a workshop to develop an idea catalague of next steps to improve water quality in the Limfjord area. Eutrophication has been a repetitive problem in the southern areas of the Limfjord for years and reached its worst levels in the fall of 2023.
In the Blue Green Bio Lab project, the partners are exploring how circular bio-industrial symbiosis can be a triple win in the Limfjord area with respect to climate and environmental issues, as well as potential new value chains through the use of blue biomasses in new ways.
“The range of discussion was quite exciting at the workshop with a lot of focus on the possibility of expanding blue mussel farming, but also new opportunities for using blue biomasses in less harmful and more climate friendly fertilizer products. The workshop was another example of why it is essential to gather stakeholders with a wide range of interests together to build relationships and develop new ideas.” – Cathy Brown Stummann, project leader of the Blue Green Bio Lab project.
The meeting had over 40 participants from business support organizations, entrepreneurs, research as well as representatives from policy organisations at the local, regional and national level.