BioBoosters - Boosting the circular transition

Help REFAL Group to maximize the value of damaged apples

03 March 2025
On February 26th the call for applications for REFAL Hackathon was officially open! The APPLE HACK: UNLOCKING THE APPLE BIOMASS webinar gathered almost 70 participants from various countries from the Baltic Sea Region to learn more about the challenge related to valorisation of damaged apple biomass.
Technical details


The webinar was also occasion to present four expert presentations in the field of biomass valorization, extraction and biorefining in order to give a comprehensive overview of the REFAL’s challenge potential and the true value of apples.

The BioBoosters project manager Anna Aalto from JAMK University of Applied Science introduced the BioBoosters concept, describing in details how the whole process of hackathon looks like and achievements of the BioBoosters network until now. To scientists from the University of Agriculture in Cracow, Joanna Gil, Ph.D. and Barbara Domagała, Ph.D., outlined the details of application possibilities of second-class apple biomass and explored further applications in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. The representative from the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Uko Bleive, Ph.D., shared practical outcomes of tried and tested valorization options for apple pomace. His colleague from the same university, Udayakumar Veerabagu, Ph.D., dive deep into the biorefining and platform chemicals in apple biomass. Finally, Stanisław Chachuła, CEO of REFAL, introduced a challenge for the REFAL Hackathon, preceded by a movie introduction.

What is REFAL and what is the Challenge about?

REFAL Group integrates fruit and vegetable producers from the Sandomierz area, one of the key Polish apple growing regions, where fruit growing has been present for many generations. The REFAL Group is engaged in the storage, sorting and sale of apples and other fruits and vegetables. The area of orchards of the Group members is over 250 ha, while apple production is approx. 15,000 tons per year.

The Challenge is to propose innovative product and/or technological solution that will allow to increase the value of sound biomass from apples damaged by weather conditions. The apples are a full value product, but due to various types of skin or shape defects, such fruits are disqualified from direct sales. The winner(s) of the REFAL Hackathon will get the opportunity to establish a long-term business cooperation with the REFAL Group, in particular by preparing and implementing a joint development project, implementing a new technology or establishing a new production line. Help REFAL to valorise up to 6 000 000 kg of apple biomass per year!

How to help with valorisation of apple biomass in REFAL?

In order to participate in the hackathon each Team has to apply by describing their solution in the application form available here:

The deadline for applications is March 23rd. The selected teams will be invited to join on-line Kick-off event and actual hackathon days on April 24th-25th in REFAL’s facilities, near Sandomierz in Poland.

If you have any questions about the Challenge or participation in the Hackathon, please visit our website contact us directly:

Anna Gajek, , tel. 600 323 923

Damian Kuznowicz, , tel. 600 435 424

Contact person at the REFAL Group:

Stanislaw Chachuła, , tel. 668 129 103