The BASCIL self-assessment tool is well received and appreciated
04 April 2024
The BASCIL manual, that guides food producers and farmers step by step in developing the idea and content of attractive food tourism services, was communicated in a previous News article in January.
As a complement to the BASCIL manual, project partners also developed a self-assessment tool with the aim of supporting evaluating their readiness to host visitors and to offer tourism services. Project partners saw a need for self-assessment and the tool was produced by project partners as an additional project delivery. This is a practical working tool for food producers, and it has been much appreciated.
The BASCIL self-assessment tool covers 9 different topics:
Marketing and Branding
Accessibility and Location
Tourist-Friendly Environment
Quality of Products, Unique Selling Proposition
Hospitality and Customer Service
Cultural Authenticity
Educational Experiences
Local Partnerships
Regulatory Compliance
The BASCIL self-assessment tool has been very well received and appreciated, and therefore introduced here for more users. Feel free to download for usage and also remember the possibility to translate into local languages.
Click below to view/download the BASCIL self-assessment tool