BASCIL Manual – Practical solutions for designing culinary tourism services
08 January 2024
The BASCIL manual aims to facilitate the switch towards food tourism industry for food producers and farmers, who can diversify their business operations by adding new experiences on the basis of their high quality food products. The manual provides practical solutions and business models for partners to start or improve new services to reach new customers and first version of the manual was introduced at the partner meeting in December in Riga.
The manual guides food producers and farmers step by step in developing the idea and content of attractive food tourism services using a number of tools and strategies based on the Business Model Canvas. The manual also includes 9 practical examples from Baltic Sea Region showcasing existing best practices of local food producers, who are offering really good experiences to visitors.
According to the research carried out by World Food Travel Association, more than 50% of travelers consider themselves food tourists. The BASCIL team encourages entrepreneurs to gain a road map showing how to build a cost-effective service, based on high-quality food products – a service that will help go beyond the product economy and enter the experience economy.
After piloting solutions in 12 pilot regions around the Baltic Sea during next tourism season in 2024, the BASCIL Manual will be updated to a final version.
Click below to view/download the BASCIL Manual and the presentation.