Baltic Museum Resilience: Resilient museums and memory institutions for resilient societies in the Baltic Sea Region

The first analysis report has been published

28 November 2023
We invite you to read the results of an analysis report on how culture and heritage organisations in the Baltic Sea Region have coped with the crisis.
Technical details


The report is the result of a survey and workshops attended by the representatives of cultural and heritage organisations in the Baltic Sea Region.

The survey was aimed at finding out how these organisations and their stakeholders:

  • coped with the recent crises (COVID, war in Ukraine and related) and which organisational, business model focused and ICT-based solutions have they implemented and why;
  • what have been their strengths & weaknesses;
  • what and how should be developed further and how could it be achieved in transnational cross-border cooperation.

The analysis report of the survey provides a clear overview of the state of play and solutions applied in the BSR, but also including tentative suggestions for further steps. It is a key step in the preparation of the project’s forthcoming activities and outcomes, mainly the toolbox with solutions for resilient museums.