Baltic Museum Resilience: Resilient museums and memory institutions for resilient societies in the Baltic Sea Region

Stakeholders meeting in Sweden

27 November 2023
On 20 April 2023, a hybrid workshop was held by Museum of Västervik.
Technical details


The invitations were sent by e-mail to a total of 64 different museums, associations and stakeholders. The participants of the meeting included:

  • Ölands Hembygdsförbund
  • Psykiatriska Museet
  • Livrustkammaren
  • Östergötlands museum
  • Sjöfararkusten
  • Båt- & Maskinmuseum
  • Kulturparken Småland
  • Ölands Museum Himmelsberga

They represent a variety of organisations such as national (Livrustkammaren), regional (Kulturparken Småland) and local (Ölands Museum) museums and cultural heritage associations (Sjöfararkusten).

During the workshop the results of the questionnaire (both from Sweden and in total) was discussed.

The participants found it very interesting to learn more about and discuss solutions from other countries. From there, the discussion moved on to conclusions about the results and what the next step could or should be to increase resilience. The participants also discussed how and when to evaluate different kinds of solutions.

In this way the stakeholders contributed to the process of the deliverable development.