Kick-off meeting in Viimsi, Estonia
06 November 2023
The BaMuR project partners had the pleasure of meeting for the first time at the headquarters of Estonian War Museum – General Laidoner Museum located in Viimsi, Estonia.
The first day of the meeting was opened by Mr Toomas Hiio, Head of Research of Estonian War Museum – General Laidoner Museum, who welcomed all participants. In addition to the project partners, the meeting was also attended by project officer Agnieszka Lipińska, who welcomed the participants on behalf of Interreg BSR programme. It was followed by an introduction of the project partners.
Then it was time to discuss the detailed work plan. The aim of this part of the meeting was to establish the first steps to be taken in the project and the timetable of the first activities.
The first group of activities (GoA) discussed was analysis of the solutions implemented in the cultural and heritage institutions during the crises. The presentation was led by Mr Patrick Rang from the Estonian War Museum – General Laidoner Museum.
It was followed by a representative from the Museum of Västervik, who presented an action plan on the joint approach for resilient cultural and memory institutions: governance and sustainability.
Then partners discussed activities related to GoA 1.3 Joint actions for resilient cultural and memory institutions and societies. The presentation was led by the representative of Forum Marinum Foundation.
The final point on the first day’s agenda was a guided tour at Estonian War Museum. During the tour, the project partners had the opportunity to learn not only about the history of the wars fought over the land of Estonia, but also about the activities carried out by the museum.
The second day of the meeting began with further discussion of the work plan. First, the activities planned under GoA 1.4 Model for resilient cultural and memory institutions and societies were presented. The presentation was led by the representative of National Regions Development Agency.
Activities from the recent GoA 1.5 Territorial uptake were then presented. The presentation was led by Anna Kraszewska from the Balteus Foundation.
The last issue that was discussed during the meeting was project management, reporting and communication. During this part, the following issues were addressed:
- Guidelines-rules provided in Subsidy Contract & Interreg BSR Project toolkit
- Partnership Agreement
- Project Management structure & rules
- Financial management
- Project documentation
- Project communication & visual identity
- Reporting
The meeting concluded with a summary delivered by the Lead Partner.
It was a very productive time. We hope that future meetings will bring equally fruitful discussions, so that we can strengthen the resilience of cultural and memory institutions.