Final meeting of the Baltic Sustainable Boating 2030 project, 25th September 2024
12 September 2024
There have been many boating, sustainability and cross-border-destination- related issues discussed within the past two years within BalticSustainableBoating2030 #BSB2030 project.
All of them, coupled with meetings, BOOT fairs visits and personal encounters with boaters and boating communities led to concrete proposals elaborated by our Project’s team.
It’s time to share the results!
Feel more than welcomed to the final event of the Project that will take place via Zoom on 25th September 2024,
at 10-12.00 CET (Warsaw/Stockholm time).
We will present our:
- Sustainability Roadmap
- Marketing Plan
- Strategy/Action Plan for the future
All of these will be preceded by the updates from the latest boating season from around the Baltic Sea, provided by:
- Julia Chodorowska from Gdańsk city marina
- Anders Lindskog from Dockan Marina from Malmö region
- Petri Toukko from marina Hamnsundet from Åland
Please register HERE