Baltic Sustainable Boating 2030 - Making leisure boating in the Baltic Sea fit for the post-pandemic boating tourism market
BaltSusBoating 2030

Autumn events' season by BaltSusBoating2030

27 October 2023
September and October were full of events where BaltSusBoating2030 had the chance to present the current results of the partners\\\' work and the state of discussion on the main Project\\\'s outputs.
Technical details

From HELCOM workshop in Palanga and Networking Village during the EUSBSR Annual Forum in Riga, through the Baltic Sea Tourism Forum in Tallin to the Union of Baltic Cities General Conference in Palanga, the Partners of BaltSusBoating2030 had their calendars full to go with the Project’s results to the wider Baltic Sea community.

During the events the current state of work within Sustainability Roadmap and the Strategy-related outputs were confronted and consulted with various stakeholders, who showed a great interest to the topic and scope of the #BSB2030 initiative.

An informal workshop organised by HELCOM – Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission on the implementation of the HELCOM 2021 #BalticSea Action Plan related to recreational crafts, held on September 28, 2023 in Palanga was one of the inspiring events the BaltSusBoating 2030 project took part in.

Baltic Sea Action Plan serves as a vital policy framework that guides the project activities. During the workshop, the project partner – Council of the Baltic Sea States –  presented the work-in-progress of the project and invited participants of the workshop to contribute to the development of Vision for Sustainable Boating in the Baltic Sea Region.

Sustainability of the Baltic boating, built around three main condensation points: sustainable boats, sustainable marinas and sustainable boaters’ (behaviors) was discussed with experts and audience of the Baltic Sea Tourism Forum in Tallin. The discussion was visually recorded by an incredible artist Carlotta Cataldi. Moreover, a dedicated survey by CBSS was launched to gather more inputs from a wider group of stakeholders. You can still fill it in visiting

The branding for the Baltic Sea as a sustainable boating destination and the Strategy for a successful destination development were the main themes of the Workshop organized during the UBC General Conference in Palanga.

If you are interested in the details of the discussions and would like to be the part of the ongoing process of developing the Baltic Sea as sustainable boating destination, contact one of our project partners!