Urban Knowledge Hubs - Transformative Societal Spaces for Hybrid Libraries in the Baltic Sea Region

Not just books...

11 December 2024
Technical details

Soon, the Library at AU Herning will be back on track when we move into the new location at the beginning of 2025. The library was “packed away” before the summer holiday in 2024, and since then, a lot of work has been done to create a new, cool space for the students.

The new location will feature group workspaces, quiet seating, a room for a data lab and teaching, as well as space for the community to come and search for unique materials.

Along with the new decor, the material library is the focus. We have materials such as metal (copper, aluminum, and iron), sustainable materials, plastic, bioplastic, polymers, wood, ceramics, and more. The library will also contain components like ball bearings, formworks, molds, etc. The plan with the library is to make it available to students and staff. For staff it will be possible to lend a box of material and bring it to lectures. For students it will be possible to come and look and feel the material. The physical material will be followed by an online subject guide, where the students discover more of the material.

Teachers use these materials to help students understand materials and how they can be used in product development and production lines in their course.

At Aarhus University Library, Business and Social Sciences, this is the first material library we have, and we plan to follow it closely by asking students for pros and cons when the library has been alive for a while.



Martin Hauge Zeuner and Solveig Sandal Johnsen