Inauguration of the Carl von Ossietzky Forum: A space for active memory culture and collaborative learning
29 October 2024
Accompanied by live music reminiscent of the 1920s, Olaf Eigenbrodt, project member and deputy director of the library, guided us through the evening and highlighted the diversity of the space and the various approaches to collaboration it represents: The redesign process itself included participatory elements, involving local associated partners and target groups with their needs and wishes. Furthermore, the redesigned space now offers possibilities of collaborative working and learning due to its flexible furniture and open design. A third important aspect is the space’s connection to memory culture emphasized by the life and work of its namesake Carl von Ossietzky. These aspects – democracy, active memory culture and collaboration – were also the focus of short lightning talks from the Senator for Science, Research and Equality, Katharina Fegebank, the library director Prof. Robert Zepf as well as other project-related speakers such as project team members Miriam Green and Katja Reuter, a representative of our Associated Organizations Dr. Sabine Bamberger-Stemmann and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Logge from the University of Hamburg.
Those who were unable to attend this event, can explore the renovation process and the new interior of the space online (click on the camera icon labelled “Zeitreise”).
The inauguration was certainly just the start of a series of exciting activities on different topics and with diverse target groups. From now on, the Forum will be available to our local Associated Organizations – the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg, the State Agency for Political Education in Hamburg and the Association for Hamburg History – as well as other initiatives and institutions for a variety of (participatory) activities.
At the moment, it is not possible to open the Forum continuously. However, for now, regular opening hours will be offered until the end of the year as part of our upcoming evaluation process. Generally, library users and the interested public will be able to explore the space on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., if no other events are planned during those times. The project team will be available to answer questions and exchange ideas. However, users are also invited to simply spend some time in the new space. Since these opening hours might vary on short notice, a display in our entrance hall will indicate the availability.
Author: Katja Reuter