Musical Vertigo in Chojna / 2nd pilot cycle finalised
10 June 2024
On Monday, June 3, the eighth and final workshop of the second season of the Musical Vertigo series took place in Chojna, Poland. The workshop is part of the Arts on Prescription pilot programme carried out in the West Pomeranian region.
This time the course was led by Ms. Sylwia Różycka, an actress at Teatr Polski in Szczecin, Mr. Jacek Gaszyński, a photographer, and Ms. Agnieszka Ogrodniczak, a make-up artist and hair stylist. Ms. Agnieszka Ogrodniczak introduced the young participants to the basics of make-up and the principles of character building by highlighting their particular features. During the course, the following characters were created with the joint efforts of all participants: Cruella, Barbie, Pocahontas and Cleopatra with a moustache.
Mr. Jacek talked to the young people about the art of photographing portraits and editing them in graphics programs.
Ms. Sylwia divided the participants into three groups and each group prepared a short etude based on three emotions: Surprise, Horror and Relief. This resulted in three etudes: a visit to the hospital (and its undesirable consequences), a walk through the zoo and shopping in a store with an unbearable son. As always, the way in which the etudes were presented was completely up to the young people, and they were only limited by their imagination. We particularly liked the role of the ATM… .
The participants also took part in evaluation surveys of the entire workshop series and focus group interviews. The evaluation data are fed back to the overall evaluation coordinators of the AoP-project, the University of Southern Denmark and the Turku University of Applied Sciences, who will assess i.a. the health effects of the programme. Final results are planned to be summarised in a scientific publication after the 3rd piloting phase.
We thank all participants from Poland for persevering to the end and sharing their comments with us!