Seminar on "The future advanced wastewater treatment and micropollutant removal in relation to the new wastewater treatment directive"
05 March 2025
We are delighted to invite you to attend the seminar on “The future advanced wastewater treatment and micropollutant removal in relation to the new wastewater treatment directive”, which will be held as an online event on 27 March 2025.
The new European urban wastewater treatment directive (UWTD) requires both removal of organic micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals with the polluter pays principle. On the other hand, it demands reaching climate neutrality by 2025.
This webinar is covering new technologies that can get relevant in the future to achieve these goals. Additionally, we aim for presenting the policymakers view on how to develop the UWDT in praxis in the Baltic Sea catchment.
For further information, please find attached the program for the event:
Please contact: Prof Kai Bester kb@envs.au.dk
We look forward to your participation in this enlightening event!
Meeting Link: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/62532081501