Towards sustainable and resilient societies through empowered civil society and collaborative innovation
We make transition!

We make transition! pilot process

22 February 2024
Technical details

We make transition! -project aims to enhance cooperation between local authorities, various civil society actors, entrepreneurs and other sustainability stakeholders to co-create solutions to eco-social sustainability. Partners from six countries cooperate with altogether 12 cities and municipalities to organise visioning and co-creation processes that include the following steps:

  1. Stakeholder and system analysis: focus group discussions on sustainability topics
  2. Framing the challenge(s)
  3. Co-creation of BSR vision of sustainable life by transnational group of change agents
  4. Organising series of three local workshops; 1) joint visioning, 2) pathways, 3) concrete solutions and transition agenda
  5. Implementing initiatives and solutions to start pathway to the local vision.

The process is organised in 12 cities and municipalities focusing on different topics. The following topics have been selected for the local transition arena workshops based on the results of focus group discussions and local needs:

1. Municipality of Hämeenkyrö, Finland Sustainable agriculture
2. City of Tampere, Finland Biodiversity
3. City of Gdynia, Poland Active citizens for green urban areas
4. Municipalities of Tartu County, Estonia Circular economy
5. Municipality of Lääne Harju, Estonia Circular food systems
6. Helsinki-Uusimaa Region, Finland Circular Transition: sharing economy and better use of existing built environment and spaces.
7. Municipality of Kimitoön, Finland Sustainable future and the youth
8. City of Uusikaupunki, Finland Biodiversity
9. Municipality of Namsos and Overhalla, Norway Recycling building materials
10. City of Trondheim, Norway Food and textiles, sustainable consumption
11. City of Bremen, Germany Sustainable nutrition and food
12. Municipality of CÄ“sis, Latvia Co-creating Bioregion: Organic food promotion



The transition arena in this project consist of three workshops: the first co-creates a joint vision related to the topic, the second identifies pathways to the vision and third co-creates concrete actions. In the end a transition agenda taking forward the actions and initiatives naming responsibilities will be agreed.



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