Promoting Perspectives for promising potential workforce in the Baltic Sea Region
Prosper BSR

Capacity Building - Train the Trainer - July 2024

12 July 2024
Technical details

ProsperBSR Training Program

The second edition of our Train the Trainer Program took place at the National Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw.

The developed upscaling training program for increased capacities was conducted with representatives of business support organisations and project partners preparing participants to help refugees integrate into the workforce.




Plan and content:

1. Introduction and Context (Global refugee statistics and trends)

2. Cultural Competence and Communication

3. Labor Market Integration

4. Networking and Partnerships

5. Practical Support Skills

6. Legal and administrative overview

7. Employer Education

8. Action planning​ (SWOT analysis of current integration efforts, Setting SMART goals for individual staff and chambers, Developing a 6-month action plan: group activity)

Followed by a presentation of the action plans. This fruitful workshop also allowed for experience and best practice exchange.

A big thank you to Mr Bartosz Jakubowski, a Business Relationships Expert from the Fundacja Ocalenie | Ocalenie Foundation who was our guest speaker.

The foundation supports migrants in integrating into society and their personal development. We learned about the Ocalenie’s initiatives, their Help Centers for Foreigners in Warsaw and Łomża and how they raise public awareness on the topic.