Capacity Building - Train the Trainer - September 2023
10 November 2023
A comprehensive analysis and research phase was conducted to establish a training curriculum that aims to provide staff members of business support organisations (BSOs) with the necessary skills for effectively integrating refugees into the local workforce.
The training was conducted over a span of two days in September 20023, including a total of 14 participants. The programme was conducted under the guidance of skilled facilitators, who employed role-play exercises to replicate authentic interactions between non-governmental organisations (NGOs), companies, and business support organisations (BSOs).
Two organisations, Diversity Development Group and International House Vilnius, were invited to share their good practices in Vilnius.
These speakers provided valuable insights and expertise on the process of integrating refugees into Lithuania’s labour market. The programme included essential subjects such proficient networking with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), communication strategies for connecting with refugees, approaches for including local businesses as possible employers, and inspiring refugees with entrepreneurial aspirations.
The knowledge gained from the initial training session will prove to be advantageous for the subsequent training session and the overall completion of the training programme which, once finalized, will be available for all target groups.