BSG-Go! Scaling-up Baltic Sea Game support for a resilient game industry

Peer-2-Peer Learning

25 July 2023
Creative industries thrive on peer-2-peer learning and community support, both relying heavily on physical encounters. Though online and hybrid formats will never compete with the in-person contact, we need to reshape the context and performance strategies for the physical events.
Technical details


The game industry’s outstanding characteristic is their “sharing” mindset which sets them off from other creative industries that have a more competitive attitude within their ecosystem. In particular young talents and companies benefit a lot from the experience of others. This peer2peer exchange with its competence building potential has suffered from the lack of in-person encounters during the pandemic. When asked what the talent pool missed most during the pandemic, “community events” were always on top of the list.

Community events and networking activities do not only benefit to the talent pool, but are a “natural environment” of the game ecosystem member, from publishers, investors to mentors and advisors.

Physical encounters are key for the game industry. Therefore, this testbed deploys scenarios that are embedding physical events into a larger online environment and communication context with the aim of providing the much-needed competence building impact, all the while providing the “social side” of the community life.

The solutions proposed for the pilot in 2024 are based on the knowledge gained from tapping into different event types for their salient and distinctive features:

– Peer2Peer mentor exchange and training

– Investor competence building with veteran investors

– Game developer teams retreating with a group of business development consultants

– Building competences for “outlier” game developments