Music Industry Resilience Acceleration Programme

Green and Sustainable Events Playbook (Gothenburg Culture Festival)

18 December 2024
Technical details

Gothenburg and Co want to create a Green and SustainableEvents Playbook together with other partners as one part of the MI-RAP project. The playbook is dedicated to designing and piloting emission- and disposable-free events to demonstrate how live event management can evolve into a model for sustainability.

By organizing network meetings, gathering input from end users, and testing sustainable solutions in real-world settings. One of these events/testbeds has been 2023 Gothenburg Culture Festival.

This year’s Gothenburg Culture Festival introduced an initiative to eliminate disposable items, setting a new standard for sustainable events. By replacing disposables with reusable alternatives and encouraging visitor participation, the festival demonstrated how large-scale events can reduce their environmental impact without compromising the experience.

This bold move not only resonated with attendees but also positioned Gothenburg as a leader in sustainable event management. Insights from the festival will contribute to the creation of the Playbook, inspiring other cities and festivals to follow suit.