BSG-Go! Scaling-up Baltic Sea Game support for a resilient game industry

Game Business of Tomorrow

25 July 2023
Exploring the full potential of gameplay, game thinking, and as cross-sectoral innovation in which games can be a key agent: from operating in shared virtual environments to driven deep tech solutions for SDGs.
Technical details


To be resilient, an industry must tap into its full potential. It is widely known and has been strongly promoted, that games have become a very powerful communication medium, far beyond entertainment. Yet, for two reasons many stick to entertainment: a) it’s more fun making a fun game, and b) there’s likely more money in it. Also, there is a sense that the creative freedom might be curtailed if moving outside the entertainment sphere of games.

With these pilots in 2024, we want to explore with and demonstrate to scale-ups and start-ups the full potential of gameplay, game thinking, and as cross-sectoral innovation in which games can be a key agent.

The scope embraces all forms of operating in shared virtual environments, something where game developers feel more at home than most other tech professionals. On the other hand, data-driven technology has become a solid trend with other industries but has only shown a very reluctant acceptance in the game industry. Using these technologies goes hand in hand with an entrepreneurial spirit. Raising the latter will increasing the acceptance and use of the former. All this is part of business foresight and prospective risk management.

Another solution we will pilot here concerns addressing SDGs as a contribution to current developments in society, politics and economy.

This pilot will present opportunities for all pillars of the industry: influencers, trendsetters, leaders, industry associations and community networkers, and institutions involved in education and vocational skill building.

The pilot will showcase what SME should prepare for to keep pace with the anticipated disruption of both deep tech and shared virtual environments and a new predominant interest in SDG. The pilot will establish a cross-industrial forum to discuss and exchange on these issues on a long-term, providing inspiration and encouraging collaboration.