Distance LAB – remote service hub for SME’s and public sector
Distance LAB

Customer Relationship Building

18 September 2023
The idea is to offer a compact learning materials for interested companies to improve their skills in building and sustaining relations with customers in remote work.
Technical details

Workshop materials and plan for customer relationship building (theory, case study, quizzes, videos) finally tested by the target groups: four parts of the course divided into theoretical part, description of identified good practices, quizzes questions and videos regarding building relationships with customers, maintaining relationships in business remotely, relationship marketing, customer service process and managing relationships in crisis.

The materials are taking into account the previously examined needs of entrepreneurs in this area. The tool will be a self-reflection tool for the use of entrepreneurs, management teams, customer service leaders ect.

The idea of conducting this pilot is to invite micro, small, medium enterprises and public institutions to test a tool, give the feedback and influence the final version of the tool.

Building a positive and long-term relationship with a client is in fact a never-ending process during which at least several basic conditions must be met. In fact, speaking about remote work there are some challenges to build the trust and connections with clients. The relations marketing we all knew at the beginning of 2020 has much less in common with what we do now. The situation we have been has forced brands to verify their marketing strategies and consider how they should communicate with customers. The aim of the pilot is to support micro, small, medium enterprises, and public institutions in improving their knowledge and position on the market by offering a tool for customer relationship building (theory, case study, quizzes, videos).

Customer relationship building tool is open for all micro, small, medium, and public entities from different fields and industries from Baltic Sea Programme countries. It is helpful to assess and get the insight on customer relationships in relation to specific remote work.

You get access to online compact learning materials about process and tools on building and sustaining relations with customers in remote work- video lectures, practicing files, lecture slides.

Testing the pilot will be organised in 2024 in the form of online/on-site insight to materials for individuals, groups, organisations, online or on – site workshops or discussions, insight and feedback on the content, individual consultations.

You can find a current version of the Learning tool online.

For participating contact: jfranczyk@rarr.rzeszow.pl