Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Latest News

Transnational cooperation is part of our life now

Why ‘common’, ‘innovative’ and ‘urgent’ so well describe Interreg? What convergence effects does Interreg trigger? Read the interview with Margarita Golovko, the Monitoring Committee member from Estonia, to find out! 

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Our Interreg togetherness

Why is it worth investing time, effort and money in cooperation in the Baltic Sea region? Read the interview with Teresa Marcinów, Monitoring Committee member from Poland. 

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We are hiring!

We are looking for an IT Officer at the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat (MA/JS) of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. Join a transnational team of people who believe in European cooperation and in working beyond borders for the benefit of the Baltic Sea region.

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How Interreg projects help shape regional policies

Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky, Special Advisor to the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, also known as the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM), explains how Interreg project have been helping push the HELCOM agenda forward. 

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The best ideas selected!

The Monitoring Committee selected 13 best ideas for funding and paved the way for new partnerships towards a green and more resilient Baltic Sea region.

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We need to stick together!

Listen to Ann Irene Saeternes, our Monitoring Committee member from Norway who explains the added value of being part of the Interreg family and benefits the Programme has brought to Norway over the years.

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Interreg: it is done nowhere else like this

Inspired by the spirit of cooperation, Jens Kurnol has been a member of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Monitoring Committee from Germany for many years. Listen about his experiences and benefits the Programme has brought to Germany.

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Creating momentum for sustainable water management

“It’s amazing to work with all the people with the same vision” – says Agnieszka Ilola, Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC) Sustainable Cities Commission. Read the interview to find out more about this common vision for the region.

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