Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Latest News
Strengthening cooperation: nine proposals for project platforms submitted
Partner organisations from projects of Interreg Baltic Sea Region and other EU funding programmes developed nine platform proposals together with...
Improving Interreg – how to reduce the administrative burden
Finance experts and practitioners from the European Commission and Interreg Programmes met in Brussels to discuss and propose concrete measures for...
Voice your opinion on cohesion policy funding post 2020
The European Commission is currently running a public consultation on EU funds in the area of cohesion in the context of developing the next...
Financing Agreement signed: Russian participation in Baltic Sea cooperation now on solid grounds
After years of persistent negotiations, the Russian Federation, the European Commission, and Germany as the member state hosting the Managing...
Lots of new project ideas to make change in the Baltic Sea region
From 5 October 2017 to 15 January 2018, Interreg Baltic Sea Region was accepting new project ideas for a more innovative, better accessible and...