Voice your opinion on cohesion policy funding post 2020

06 Feb 2018

The European Commission is currently running a public consultation on EU funds in the area of cohesion in the context of developing the next Multiannual Financial Framework. If you believe Interreg transnational cooperation should be continued in the future, this is an excellent opportunity to speak up for it and to explain how it helps you and others. You can fill in an online questionnaire by 8 March 2018.

Voice your opinion on cohesion policy (photo: panthermedia / Hongbin Yan)

In 2018, the Commission will make comprehensive proposals for the next generation of financial programmes for the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework, which is the EU’s long–term budget. To this end, the Commission assesses what worked well in the past and what could be improved in the future. This consultation is an integral part of the process and its objective is to collect the views of all interested parties on how to make the most of every euro of the EU budget.

This consultation is open to all citizens and stakeholders interested in cohesion policy, including beneficiaries of EU programmes and funds such as national, regional and local authorities, inter-governmental and non-governmental bodies, academic institutions, civil society and enterprises.

Go to the public consultation.


Public consultation on EU cohesion policy post 2020
Multi-Annual Financial Framework: debate on political priorities

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