Interreg Baltic Sea region 2021 – 2027
Priority 1:
Innovative societies
Programme objective 1.1
Resilient economies and communities
Resilience is understood as the ability to respond to external disturbances such as severe recessions and financial crises, downturns of particular industries or major health crises. The Programme encourages actions that help to avoid unwanted external impacts, withstand them or recover quickly from them.
Programme Objective 1.2
Responsive public services
In relation to a growing complexity of societal challenges, the Programme supports actions that improve organisational set-ups and processes to respond to public needs and to deliver less bureaucratic and more cost-efficient public services.
CommitClimate Workshop In Jokkmokk: Exploring Local Climate Solutions
How can small changes in our daily lives contribute to a more sustainable future? This was the key question during our recent CommitClimate workshop, where...
CommitClimate Workshop In Jokkmokk – Exploring Local Climate Solutions
How can small changes in our daily lives contribute to a more sustainable future? This was the key question during our recent CommitClimate workshop, where...
CommitClimate Workshop In Jokkmokk: Exploring Local Climate Solutions
How can small changes in our daily lives contribute to a more sustainable future? This was the key question during our recent CommitClimate workshop, where...
CommitClimate Workshop In Jokkmokk: Exploring Local Climate Solutions
How can small changes in our daily lives contribute to a more sustainable future? This was the key question during our recent CommitClimate workshop, where...
How Interreg brings social innovation to people
Dive with us into the story of SEMPRE and SEMPRE Accelerators, successful examples of Interreg transnational cooperation, the results of which remain visible today.
Future Interreg should allow cross-sectoral approaches
21 January 2025 Future Interreg should allow cross-sectoral approaches Written by Eeva Rantama The...
Interreg: tangible benefits for local communities; an inspiring example for others
What should be the role of Interreg in the future Cohesion Policy? How does Interreg help build a more integrated Europe? Listen to Sabrina Repp from the European Parliament, an active member at the REGI Committee, who is dedicated to supporting regional development. Based in Rostock, just like the Programme’s main office, she took her time to better get to know Interreg Baltic Sea Region projects and share her visions for the future.
Four priorities & nine objectives
Four priorities for cooperation
Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021-2027 creates opportunities for organisations to connect
as if there were no borders. With experience and EU funding, we help them cooperate and put their ideas into practice.
Jointly, we make the life of people around the Baltic Sea better.
The Programme is structured along with four priorities. They guide partners in achieving the most when cooperating across borders.