Project: BSG-Go
Virtual Meeting & Physical Meeting
For a sustainable Indie and Game developer ecosystem Kicking-off a community of sustainable practice


Slowly but steadily, we have come to understand that we cannot tackle the range of alarming societal and environmental issues in silos. They are all interconnected. Not surprisingly, in this spirit there is an increasing number of pioneers in the gaming industry fighting for the protection of the environment, of human beings, of their diversity, their health and equal rights. And while we may not solve any sustainability issues ourselves, we have the power contribute to making a positive impact.

Our hybrid conference with local events in Malmö, Stockholm, Berlin and Cologne serves as a dynamic meeting point for the Baltic Sea and European game developer community, rallying to address pressing challenges around environmental impact, social issues, inclusion, and diversity. The conference launches an initiative with dedicated trainings, network meetups, and workshops put ideas into practice and spread sustainable innovations to a large scale across a advocating community of sustainable practice.


    10:00 - 10:15 (CET)
    10:15 - 10:45 (CET)
    Inspirational talk on barriers to sustainability for games and the intersectionality of issues related to sustainability. A motivational call for action and expression of desires for what results this conference should yield.
    10:45 - 12:00 (CET)
    In three short presentations, select speakers present industry best-practices and pioneer efforts that set new standards for sustainability in games. The presentations are experiential and decidedly based on working solutions.
    14:00 - 15:30 (CET)
    We have invited experts from IGDA Climate SIG to moderate break-out sessions for online workshop on a range of interesting topics, introduced by them to kick-off a lively discussion with the online participants.


Upcoming events

No upcoming events.

    Past events

    Match XR Innovative Talks Seminar
    Project: BSG-Go
    Physical Meeting
    19. November 2024
    Sustainability Nexus 2024
    Project: BSG-Go
    Virtual Meeting & Physical Meeting
    12. November 2024
    10:00 - 16:00 (CET)
    BSG-GO! Mentoring Bootcamp
    Project: BSG-Go
    Physical Meeting
    28. October - 01. November 2024
    00:00 - 23:59 (BST)