Project Group Meeting

Project: Mobile Hospital
Virtual event
Project Group meeting
  • Date & Time
    13. May 2024
    13:00 - 14:30 (EEST)
  • Organiser
    Turku University of Applies Sciences
  • Venue
    • Virtual event


  1. Opening of the meeting and attendees
  2. Project status

- Progress report and budget (Tiina Rantamaa)
Reviewed reporting and financial situation, good feedback from the reporting but also the challenge.We need to work well to aim next report submit on 30th August.
- Involvement of target groups (Tiina Laurila, Annika Luomala)
Tiina L presented the contents of the surveys and the results and impacts on the project, what kind of needs the target groups have and how we are able to meet the needs of the target groups. The survey took into account procedural/health care issues and issues of psychosocial and finance support. Considered both a child and an adult. Background information was also asked from the medical care side about the policies and general needs that concern the subject of the project. Same thing in Poland, all of those (emotional, organizational) things are important. Justyna presented the results from Poland. The survey was conducted in kindergarten, but age was f.ex. 15 = something wrong with phrasing of a question. 54 answers from Poland. Sweden had just been approved by the Ethics Committee and were starting to collect data. An event for children is coming up at Turku University Hospital. Children will be asked which giraffe they think is the nicest. This giraffe will be used in the app.

- Project website
Mirka presented dissemination plan and blog writing plan. Discussion about future blog texts.

- Status of the tasks in Finland (Mirka Toivonen)
Lots of 360 pictures has been taken. EEG still needs to be photographed. Overview with a pathway situation.
Status of the tasks in Sweden (Gunilla Lööf/Janet Mattsson).Sweden will send pics to Jami. If we need more or there is something to ask, just take contact to Gunilla L. Jami will upload those to the Teams Activity 1.1. Status of the tasks in Poland (Justyna Siemionow) Camera is wonderful. If Jami is doing polish tech also, after the summer is enough ´cause Jami is now doing with Finnish photos
- Application Demo (Jami Aho)
Jami introduced the demo. Could it be children who make the voices in app?Accessibility needs to be taken care: the text font and color.




    Mobile Hospital Steering Group Meeting

    Time: 13.5.2024 Place: Teams  
    1. Opening of the meeting and attendees
    2. Project status
    • Progress report and budget (Tiina Rantamaa)
    • Involvement of target groups (Sabina Korsström, Tiina Laurila, Annika Luomala)
    • Project website (Tiina Pelander)
    • Status of the tasks in Finland (Mirka Toivonen, Tiina Pelander)
    • Status of the tasks in Sweden (Gunilla Lööf/Janet Mattsson)
    • Status of the tasks in Poland (Justyna Siemionow)
    • Application Demo (Jami Aho)


Upcoming events

No upcoming events.

    Past events

    Project Meeting
    Project: Mobile Hospital
    Virtual Meeting
    16. December 2024
    13:00 - 14:30 (EEST)
    Project Meeting
    Project: Mobile Hospital
    Virtual Meeting
    27. November 2024
    11:00 - 12:00 (EEST)
    Project steering Group Meeting
    Project: Mobile Hospital
    Virtual Meeting
    28. October 2024
    13:00 - 14:30 (EEST)