Prevention and protection against endocrine disrupting chemicals – What roles for an alliance of cities and local authorities in Europe?
Date & Time20. April 2023
13:15 - 17:30 (CET) -
OrganiserThis symposium is organised by the Réseau Environnement Santé (RES), in partnership with the EDC-Free Europe coalition and the Baltic Environmental Forum (BEF) Germany
- TimeItem
- 13:15 - 13:30 (CET)Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Health and Prevention, in charge of Territorial Organisation and Health Professionals, France [tbc] Jeanne Barseghian, Mayor of Strasbourg, France Dr. Alexandre Feltz, City Council member in charge of public health and environmental health, City of Strasbourg, France
- 13:30 - 13:45 (CET)André Cicolella, President, Réseau Environnement Santé, France Heidrun Fammler, Chief Executive, BEF Germany
- 13:45 - 14:30 (CET)Moderator: Sandra Jen, Coordinator, EDC-Free Europe Coalition MEP Jutta Paulus, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), Greens/European Free Alliance, Germany Nadège Hornbeck, Vice-president in charge of health, prevention and disability, Grand Est Region, France Jordane Wodli, Sustainable Chemicals Unit, DG ENV, European Commission, EU Hélène Moraut, Administrator at the Secretariat of the Commission for Natural Resource, European Committee of the Regions, EU Arne Jamtrot, Head of unit of the Chemicals centre Environment and Health Department, City of Stockholm, Sweden
- 14:30 - 15:15 (CET)Moderator: André Cicolella, President, Réseau Environnement Santé, France Prof. Anne-Simone Parent, Paediatrician endocrinologist, University of Liège, and representative of the European Society of Endocrinology, Belgium [tbc] Dr. Marike Kolossa-Gehring, HBM4EU coordinator, Head of section toxicology at the German Environment Agency (UBA) Dr. Aleksandra Rutkowska, Biotechnologist at the Medical University of Gdansk and member of the Polish Society of Endocrinology, Poland Sandrine Jouan, Senior regulatory toxicologist and coordinator of the Belgian national plan on EDCs (NAPED), SPF Public Health, Belgium Yann Wehrling, Vice-President in charge of the Ecological Transition, Climate and Biodiversity, Île-de-France Region, France
- 15:15 - 15:45 (CET)
- 15:45 - 16:30 (CET)Moderator: Véronique Bertholle, City Council member in charge of cross-border, European and international relations, City of Strasbourg, France Arne Jamtrot, Head of unit of the Chemicals centre Environment and Health Department, City of Stockholm, Sweden Mairita Lūse, City Council member in charge of the working group on waste reduction and management, City of Riga, Latvia Esa Nikunen, Director General of environment services, City of Helsinki, Finland Lisa Kern, Member of the parliament of the City of Hamburg, Spokesperson for consumer protection for the green party at Hamburg, Germany Heidrun Fammler, Chief Executive, BEF Germany
- 16:30 - 17:15 (CET)Moderator: Heidrun Fammler, Chief Executive, BEF Germany André Cicolella, President, Réseau Environnement Santé, France Nadine Rivet, City Council member in charge of public policies towards young children, City of Limoges, France Ludivine Quintallet, Councillor of Alsace and founder of the plastic-free canteen initiative in Strasbourg, European Collectivity of Alsace, France Jean-François Bridet, Vice-President in charge of the Ecological Transition, Climate and Biodiversity, Centre-Val de Loire Region, France Céline De Laurens, City Council member in charge of charge of health, prevention and environmental health, City of Lyon, France Dr. Richard Chemla, City Council member in charge of health, City of Nice and Vice president of the French Network of WHO Healthy Cities, France
- 17:15 - 17:30 (CET)André Cicolella, President, Réseau Environnement Santé, France Sandra Jen, Coordinator EDC-Free Europe coalition
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