Coastal Communities from a Dreamed Coast to Reality

Project: BEACH-SOS
Physical Meeting
Let's explore the effects of climate change on coastal areas and develop effective adaptation plans.
  • Date & Time
    08. - 09. October 2024
    10:00 - 13:00 (BST)
  • Organiser
    Saulkrasti Municipality hosts Interreg Baltic Sea Region Beach-SOS workshop.
  • Venue
    • Saulkrastu pilsēta. Saulkrastu novads, Raiņa 8
    • LV-2160 Saulkrasti
    • Latvia



The BEACH-SOS workshop, hosted by Saulkrasti Municipality, aims to address the pressing challenges faced by coastal regions due to climate change. Over two days, stakeholders, experts, and community members will discuss the impacts of climate change, develop adaptation strategies, and create a shared vision for resilient coastal management and tourism.The workshop will cover topics such as climate change signals, indicators, and adaptation pathways, as well as provide opportunities for collaboration and knowledge-sharing among participants. The goal is to equip coastal communities with the tools and strategies needed to build resilience and thrive in the face of climate change.



    10:00 - 16:00
    Day 1, 8th October

    BEACH-SOS gathers with local communities in Saulkrasti.

    Welcome to the BEACH-SOS workshop in Saulkrasti! We’re thrilled to have you join us as we come together with local communities to tackle the critical issue of climate change and its impact on our beautiful coastal regions. Today promises to be an engaging and productive day filled with insightful presentations, dynamic discussions, and collaborative sessions thinking ahead climate change.

    10:00 Introduction to the Results of Previous BEACH-SOS Workshop (Rimants Lusis -Saulkrasti Muncipality, and David Cabana -Climate Service Center Germany)

    • Recap of key findings and recommendations from prior workshops.
    • Overview of the workshop objectives for today.

    10:20 Climate Change in the Future (Louis Celliers, Climate Service Center Germany)

    • Presentation on projected climate change impacts in the coastal region.
    • Discussion of the specific vulnerabilities of coastal communities to climate change.

    10:45  Indicators of Change and Adaptation (Lena Schall -EUCC-D, Louis Celliers and David Cabana -Climate Service Center Germany).

    • Exploration of various indicators o change
    • Exploration of various adaptation strategies to address climate change impacts.

    11:00 Engagement Climate Impacts and the Vision 2050

    • Breakout sessions to discuss the potential impacts of climate change on coastal sectors by 2050.

    12:00 Lunch Break

    13:00 Workshop: Vision 2050 and Adaptation Options Based on Climate Impacts

    • Continued discussions on adaptation options, aligning them with the developed vision for 2050.
    • Prioritization of adaptation actions based on feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and potential benefits.

    15:00 Wrap-up and Next Steps

    • Summary of key outcomes and discussions from the day.
    • Logistics for BEACH-SOS projects and engagement with municipal authorities.
    09:30 - 13:00
    Day 2, 9th October

    BEACH-SOS meets with Latvian coastal municipal authorities.

    We are delighted to welcome you to the BEACH-SOS workshop in Saulkrasti, Latvia, where we will gather with coastal municipal authorities to explore critical climate signals and indicators. During this workshop, we will delve into various aspects of climate signals and indicators, focusing on their implications for coastal health and tourism. We will also introduce key information sources and tools that can aid in monitoring and managing these impacts. Our goal is to empower local authorities with the data and strategies necessary to make informed decisions and implement effective adaptation measures. The agenda for the day includes presentations and interactive sessions that will cover the following topics:

    09:30 Introduction to the Results of Previous BEACH-SOS Workshop (Rimants Lusis -Saulkrasti Muncipality, and David Cabana -Climate Service Center Germany)

    Recap of key findings and recommendations from prior workshops
    • Overview of the workshop objectives for today.

    10:00 BEACH-SOS and Indicators of Change (Lena Schall, EUCC-D)

    • Introduction to indicators for monitoring climate change impacts.

    10:20 Latvian Met Office and Climate Platform (Dace Zandersone, Datu analītiķe Latvijas Vides, ģeoloģijas un meteoroloģijas centrs Klimata un skaitliskās modelēšanas nodaļa Prognožu un klimata daļa)

    • Overview of the Meteorological Office's climate services and data availability.
    • Introduction to the climate platform for accessing and analyzing climate information.

    10:40 Batlic Sea2Land Navigator (Anita L. Rozenvalde.  Spatial Planning and Land Management Department.The Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia)

    • Demonstration of the Interreg Baltic Sea2Land Navigator tool and its applications for coastal management.
    • Discussion of how this tool can support climate adaptation planning.

    11:00 Vidzeme Planning Region Interreg Europe CLIMATE (Eva Meijere, project manager)

    • Introduction to Interreg Europe project CLIMATE. Improving EU regions' environmental and socioeconomic resilience to climate change.

    11:10 Vision and strategies around the Baltic Sea ( Emīls Rode, Project Manager, VASAB Secretariat)

    • Intergovernmental multilateral co-operation of the Baltic Sea Region in spatial planning and development.

    11:20 Workshop with Local Authorities (Louis Celliers, Climate Service Center Germany)

    • Discussion of climate signals specific to their communities.
    • Emphasis on the importance of collaboration and continued engagement for building climate-resilient coastal communities.

    12:30 Wrap-up and next steps

    Please note that this is a draft agenda, and the specific content and timing may be slightly adjusted based on the needs and interests of the participants.


Upcoming events

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    Past events

    BEACH-SOS Tackles Climate Change at the Baltic Sea Tourism Forum!
    Project: BEACH-SOS
    Physical Meeting
    02. - 04. June 2024
    00:00 - 23:59 (BST)
    Køge Bay. Climate-Smart Beaches for Sustainable Coastal Tourism
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    Physical Meeting
    02. May 2024
    09:30 - 15:30 (BST)
    BEACH-SOS Workshop at BeachVision Event
    Project: BEACH-SOS
    Physical Meeting
    12. April 2024
    09:00 - 13:30 (BST)