Blue Mission BANOS Mission Arena 4

Date28. - 29. April 2025
OrganiserBlue Mission BANOS in collaboration with the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership and the Blue Economy Baltic Forum.
- Soport
- Poland
- Stefan Breitenbach
Blue Supply Chains is organising a session during the Blue Mission BANOS Mission Conference in Soport, Poland!
we cordially invite you to the session “Ports – Sustainable and Secure Energy Hubs in an Evolving Transport Landscape.”
The session is embedded in the BlueMissionBANOS Arena conference (28 – 29 April 2025).
📅 Date: 28 April 2025
🕒 Time: 14:30 – 16:00 CET
📍 Venue: Hotel Haffner, Jana Jerzego Haffnera 59, 81-715 Sopot, Poland
BlueMissionBANOS inspires, engages and supports stakeholders across the Baltic and North Sea to reach a carbon-neutral & circular blue economy.
In collaboration with the Blue Economy Baltic Forum, NCBR, IOPAN, and the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership. Conference participants will have the opportunity to exchange on all aspects of the blue economy of the Arena 4 region including Poland, eastern Germany and Denmark, and south-eastern Sweden. The event will culminate in the co-creation of a roadmap guiding the region toward achieving the goals of EU Mission Oceans & Waters.
Over the course of one and a half days, participants will have the opportunity to discuss the most pressing blue economy issues facing the region such as shipping and ports, maritime security, and sustainable food production. The event will culminate in the co-creation of a roadmap guiding the region toward achieving the goals of EU Mission Oceans & Waters.
Port of Hamburg Marketing, IVL - Swedish Environmental Research Institute, and the
Baltic Ports Organisation jointly develop a session during the BlueMissionArena Conference.
All organisations are involved in several European funding projects dealing with decarbonising maritime transport and port oeprations. The joint session shall provide valid input from ports and shipping perspective to the BlueMission BANOS Action plan which will be submitted to the EU Commission.
Our session will be moderated by Milla Harju, Special Advisor EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Priority Area “Ship” Coordinator.
Panel participants will share experiences and challenges linked to this complexity of modern ports. The various roles ports must fulfil.
An interactive involvement of the audience in form of three parallel round table discussions, to jointly discuss with panel participants on the appetizers provided by them to define future action needs will complete the session.
Round table workshop themes:
- Ports - Sustainable Energy Hubs (Future Maritime Fuels)
- Ports - Transition to Zero Emissions (Electrification & Onshore Power Supply)
- Ports - Traditional Freight Hubs (Resilient Transport Systems)
Have your say!
The entire session will provide input to the further work of the Blue Mission BANOS Arena, delivering needed field of actions and ideas to overcome identified challenges. By that providing input towards European politicians for future legislative actions, support programmes etc.
Thus, your contribution will highlight ports role in green martime transition and defines action needs for the EU Mission: “ Restore our Oceans & Waters”.
Your Benefits
- Discuss ports’ role in the transition to alternative fuels and zero-emission operations
- Contribute to shaping the future of green maritime energy and transport systems
- Engage in dynamic roundtable discussions and network with industry stakeholders
- Gain insights from leading experts on sustainable port solutions and green shipping corridor development
BlueMissionBANOS directly supports the EU Mission "Restore our Ocean and Waters". With a 2030 target, the EU Mission "Restore our Ocean and Waters" aims to protect and restore the health of our ocean and waters through research and innovation, citizen engagement and blue investments. The Mission’s new approach will address the ocean and waters as one and play a key role in achieving climate neutrality and restoring nature.
Learn more: Restore our Ocean and Waters - European Commission
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