1st Regional Stakeholder Group meeting (Lithuania)
Date & Time05. December 2023
(EEST) -
OrganiserLithuanian Innovation Centre
- Virtual event
The regional stakeholder group meeting for the deeptech startups project brought together key players in Lithuania's innovation ecosystem. The aim was to foster collaboration, share insights, and address challenges faced by deeptech startups.
- Discussion Questions:
- Existing programs were questioned, citing Baltic Sandbox, Saulėtekis Valley, Vilnius TechFusion, BMI, VMI, RockIT, Vinted, Kilohealth.
- Challenges in deeptech development beyond TRL 5-6 were discussed.
- The appropriateness of targeting the 20-30 age group for startups was debated.
- Decisions:
- The 2nd RSG meeting will be in a hybrid format, involving private sector actors.
- Exploration of BMI and ISM activities.
- An invitation for an informal meeting to share interim project results next year.
Supplemental Insights:
Best Initiatives:
Recognized initiatives include Baltic Sandbox, KaunasTech, SaulėtekisTech, Visors, lasers, VilniusTech, KiloHealth, and VU Tech Hub.
Achieving a Breakthrough:
Strategies include recognizing Teltonika and BioCity as pivotal, addressing the B2B model's knowledge gap, fostering scientific potential, and proposing changes to the science assessment system.
Target Audience Considerations:
Discussions included opinions on targeting the 20-30 age group, with varying perspectives on the potential success of older demographics.
The meeting showcased a commitment to innovation in Lithuania's deeptech landscape. Diverse insights, decisions, and supplemental perspectives underscored the collective effort to drive sustainable change.
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