UrbanTestbeds.JR joined the March school holiday programme of Klick Children's Museum in Hamburg, Germany. Children aged 9 to 12 engaged in the digital discovery of their neighbourhood with Klick being a cultural point of gravity. 3D simulations, aerial photos, maps,...
Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Photocatalytic system at Gdansk University of Technology
Bringing rail freight transport into the city
Berlin's population has grown by more than 10% in the last ten years to 3.88 million today. This implies a growing need to supply the metropolitan area with goods. "Despite competition for space in our growing metropolitan area, there is a significant need to provide...
Reusable dishes and waste management at Youth Song and Dance Festival in Tallinn, Estonia
Background of the Estonian Song and Dance Festival The Estonian Song Festival is one of the largest choral events in the world and it is held every five years in July on the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds simultaneously with the Estonian Dance Festival. The Estonian...
Reducing single-use plastic littering at Västeras City Festival 2023 in Sweden
The City of Västerås and Keep Sweden Tidy are working closely together to reduce the use and subsequent littering of plastic during the annual City Festival in Västerås 2023-2025. Organised since 1992, the City Festival in Västerås has a strong tradition of bringing...
Meet the Sea2Land Navigator — tool designed to assist planners!
Wondering what will be the main outcome of the Baltic Sea2Land project and whether it might be relevant for you? In this article we explain the main solution that the project will produce — The Sea2Land Navigator tool — and why MSP planners and other specialists who...
Dažnai užduodami klausimai (LT)
Kodėl kalbame apie ežerų vandens kokybę, jei eutrofikacija jiems daro įtaką tik rugpjūčio mėnesį? Pasiskirstymas pagal organinių medžiagų kiekį (t. y. eutrofiniai, mezotrofiniai ir oligotrofiniai ežerai) yra pastovus ištisus metus, vadinasi ežerai eutrofikuojasi ne...
Korduma kippuvad küsimused (EE)
Miks me räägime järvede veekvaliteedist aastaringselt, kui järved kannatavad eutrofeerumise all alles augustis? Orgaanilise aine järgi kategoriseeritakse järved eutroofseteks, mesotroofseteks ja oligotroofseteks) ning see on aasta jooksul püsiv, mis tähendab, et...
Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi (LV)
Kāpēc mēs runājam par ezeru ūdens kvalitāti, ja eirofikācija ezerus skar tikai augustā? Iedalījums pēc organisko vielu daudzuma, kas izpaužas kā iedalījums eitrofos, mezotrofos un oligotrofos ezeros ir nemainīgs visa gada garumā, tas nozīmē, ka ezeri nekļūst eitrofi...
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do we talk about lakes’ water quality if they suffer from eutrophication only in August? The categorization by amount of organic matter (i.e. eutrophic, mesotrophic and oligotrophic lakes) is constant throughout the year, meaning lakes do not become eutrophic in...