Are you interested in the thematic coverage of projects funded by the future Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme? Do you consider to apply for funding? Are you familiar with the current project results or maybe you have already been using them? We open public...
Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Thematic framework for the future Programme approved!
Delegates from eight EU Member States and three neighbouring partner countries around the Baltic Sea agreed on the thematic framework for the future Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. The Joint Programming Committee convened on 18 June 2020. © IB.SH/Marta...
17 great Interreg Projects from the Baltic Sea region selected to continue
Many people with smart ideas have been investing their work into transnational solutions which improve the life of all citizen around the Baltic Sea region. Some of them will be able to continue their work in an Interreg project to capitalise on the results in place,...
More Seed Money projects approved to implement the EUSBSR
EUR 1.5 million EU funding were allocated to implementing the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region during an online meeting of the Monitoring Committee of Interreg Baltic Sea Region on 17 June 2020. The Monitoring Committee approved 37 proposals for Seed money...
New episode of podcast “This is Europe”: All about neighbours
‘Isolation’ may be the word of 2020, but Europe remains defined by its spirit of community. The second edition of 'This is Europe' podcast focuses on 'Neighbours', after the first episode featured a project from Interreg Baltic Sea Region on 'Green Europe'. It comes...
Interreg helps good ideas grow: statistics of the second seed money call
As many as 50 applications have been submitted in the second seed money call, covering a wide range of ideas for projects that could contribute to saving the sea, connecting the region and increasing prosperity, the three main objectives of the EU Strategy for the...
Interview: Better clean the water in your village
People in the countryside release too many nutrients to the environment through their waste water because it is often not purified effectively. This problem was overlooked for many years. The Interreg project Village waters set out to make proper cleaning of waste water common practice across the rural areas around the Baltic Sea. In this interview, the project managers explain why they started the project and what they achieved.
How transnational cooperation helps strengthen health care systems in the Baltic Sea region
Cooperation in health care proves to be an elementary need and an expression of mutual assistance in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Interreg Baltic Sea Region has been supporting several initiatives which trigger the exchange of good practices across borders to...
Interreg in audio: First episode of podcast “This is Europe” takes you to a greener Europe
As Interreg becomes 30, Interact has launched the production of an audio podcast this year. In fourty minutes you can travel across Europe, learn about great Interreg projects, and get to know other professionals who use Interreg to fulfil their missions. One of the projects presented is cities.multimodal in which people work towards greener mobility in cities – co-funded from our Programme.
More funds for a stronger impact: 26 applications submitted
As many as 26 projects that are due to end this year have applied for an extension stage in order to implement additional activities that will increase an overall impact of the project outcomes, and in this way further contribute to a more innovative, better...