1,000 kg of ammonia was accidentally released into the atmosphere. The incident took place at the warehouse in the Port of Turku and caused a real threat to the workers and people waiting for the ferry at the nearby Tallink Silja passenger terminal.
Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Diving and saving lives with the DIVESMART Baltic project
During an accident at sea the initial search and rescue hours are vital - minutes saved are lives saved - especially in an underwater environment. This video shows how rescue divers of the Stockholm police, fire brigades and coast guard exercise together. Jonas...
Promoting clean shipping by learning from sulphur regulations
Air pollution control of ships is receiving a lot of attention. While international organisations and governments have been actively fighting greenhouse gas emissions from industry and cars since the 1970s, ships were tackled only at the beginning of this millennium....
Making legal requirement accessible to establish an environmentally friendly aquaculture in the baltic sea
Establishing environmentally friendly mussel aquaculture requires to follow necessary legal obligations in the EU. The project Baltic Blue Growth is making a concerted effort in explaining these requirements to its projects partners and others who are interested in pushing forward mussel aquaculture in the Baltic Sea.
Conflict resolution in spatial planning enables wind farm development in europe
On 8 May Germany hit a record high number of 87,6 % of national electricity generated from renewable resources. Even though Germany and other countries around the Baltic Sea are doing well in renewable energy production, there is still a lot left to do in terms of installing renewable energy facilities In order to meet the EU energy goals by 2030.
Access to research and cross-border cooperation key motivators for small companies to join projects
The InnoFruit Project (Advancement of non-technological innovation performance and innovation capacity in the fruit growing and processing sectors in selected Baltic Sea countries) recently kicked-off in Dobele, Latvia. One of the project partners, Berry Plus Ltd, represented by its marketing manager Ms Ilze Sauškina, was interviewed about the company’s motivation to join an Interreg Baltic Sea Region Project.
New skills for social workers in Lithuania and beyond
Many rural areas in the Baltic Sea Region find themselves in a downward spiral, where outward migration and the recent economic downturn are leading to a deterioration of social service infrastructure and quality of life. Social empowerment in rural areas (SEMPRE) – a project funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region – is getting ready to improve social services.
ALLIANCE plays matchmaker in blue biotechnology value chain
The Blue Biotechnology Alliance is one of 35 projects approved in the first call of Interreg Baltic Sea Region. Its goal is to connect blue biotechnology product ideas with the know-how and resources needed to bring them to life. From fish oil to biofuels to drugs...
Faciliating innovation uptake by companies
The TRAM project (Transnational Research Access in the Baltic Sea macro region) aims at enhancing international cooperation between universities, research institutes, large scale research infrastructures and industry to improve access to analytical research...
Disarming the baltic seabed
Decision aid for marine munitions (DAIMON) is a project that was approved under the first call for the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme (2014-2020). It aims at supporting maritime, defence and environmental administrations in making decisions on management strategies for dumped chemical and conventional warfare in the Baltic Sea and the Skagerrak.