Second transnational workshop on how cities can mainstream nature-based solutions
09 October 2024
City Blues organised a workshop session under the title How cities can mainstream nature-based solutions – Defining the success factors of the Nordic operational model. One goal of the workshop was to enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing among participants to support NBS implementation. Good examples, practical steps and strategies for integrating NBS into city planning and policies were discussed.
Experiences from Stavanger were shared by Ari Krisna Mawira Tarigan who explained that in Stavanger, there is a clear political will and commitment to use NBS. City of Aarhus also shared their stormwater management experiences, and Kristiina Mardi pointed out that water should be seen as a valuable resource, not a problem in cities.
Finally, Ivar Annus from TalTech presented the first ideas of the Joint Operational Model for stormwater management and use of NBS. “Stormwater is a catchment scale, not a building scale problem” he stated. Therefore in City Blues, we are using catchment scale approach.
In the interactive workshop, the participants discussed essential elements of the model like policy framework, funding, project design and monitoring. They considered which themes are most relevant if the city is in the early stages or already very advanced in its use of nature-based solutions or somewhere in between. Participants also considered what kind of indicators could be used for the different stages.
The day before the workshop and conference, City Blues partners gathered to exchange ideas and hear about the pilot sites. The City of Malmö organised a memorable bike ride, during which we got to see the completed NBS sites in Malmö and the pilot area – all in pouring rain as the topic of stormwater management suggests.
In City Blues, cities have joined forces to develop and implement blue-green infrastructure for urban climate change adaptation and citizen wellbeing. Our 3rd and last transnational workshop will take place in Stavanger, Norway, in April 2025. Stay tuned for more information.