The final event of the Baltic Sustainable Boating 2030 project
25 September 2024
The Baltic Sustainable Boating 2030 project is coming to an end.
Throughout the two years of realising the Project, our Team has worked together to build a strategic alliance for developing the Baltic Sea into a single and sustainable boating destination.
Our model of cooperation has been based on cross-sector and multi-level dialogue and peer-learning that had as an objective to bring together harbour operators, boating tourism stakeholders as well policy makers and administration to feed in the Joint Marketing and Sustainability Roadmap. Both of which we have identified as the two pillars of cross-border destination development in the Baltic Sea Region.
Thanks to a constant monitoring of the boating situation and the direct contacts to various boating but also tourism stakeholders, we developed the Sustainability Roadmap for Boating in the Baltic Sea Region, the Marketing Plan designed as the main reference point for planning marketing activities tailored for various groups of customers, the Branding Paper that defined the guiding principles of Baltic Sea boating brand development and finally- the Action Plan that integrated all of that to foster a long-term Baltic Sea Alliance. Â Â
On 24-25 th September the whole team of the #BSB2030 met in Riga for the  All Partners’ Meeting and the Final Event that enabled us to share the reflections from the Project and present our key results.
The Final Meeting, held on a Zoom Platform, was also a great opportunity for the boating community to exchange experiences on situation of marinas and boating in the Baltic Sea after the COVID-pandemics.
As it was announced- our initiative will not finish. We have shown several ideas of how to make it long-lasting and we have a received a very positive feedback that certainly motivates for further actions.
We are publishing some of the presentations from our Final Event and in case you are interested in obtaining any of our outputs: Sustainability Roadmap, Marketing Plan or the Action Plan, please contact us directly or via our LinkedIn group Baltic Sustainable Boating 2030.
Let’s keep in touch!