Eteläportti stakeholder workshop

Project: GreenIndustrialAreas
Physical Meeting
Workshop for target groups of the Eteläportti industrial area


A local workshop was held on 14 August afternoon 12-15.00 at the office of the Regional Council of Central Finland. The workshop was facilitated with support from the company Sitowise, who is supporting the implementation of the pilot. The approach of the certificate for a green industrial area and what it means to local companies and partners was introduced and discussed.

The event's agenda was as follows.

1) Presentation of criteria and certification (30 min.)

o Acquaintance with the criteria for the certificate / presentation of the criteria

o Presentation of certification piloting and the Sitowise team

2) Workshop part (approx. 2.5 h including breaks) o Identifying the criteria that are met in any case (initialization from Sitowise)

o Identifying the criteria that are unlikely to be met in Etelaportti or Lintukangas (initialization from Sitowise)

o Comments and suggestions for improvement to the criteria

o Suggesting criteria to be added and removed

o Data collection in practice:

  • Documentation required for certification (list)
  • Delivery of information in practice
  • Confidentiality issues.


Upcoming events

Peer review visit Kaigu, Latvia
Project: GreenIndustrialAreas
Physical Meeting
12. - 13. September 2024
Peer review visit Suwałki, Poland
Project: GreenIndustrialAreas
Physical Meeting
24. - 25. September 2024
Peer review visit Kalundborg, Denmark
Project: GreenIndustrialAreas
Virtual Meeting
01. - 02. October 2024

    Past events

    Pilot phase kick-off meeting for Latvia's Kaigu bog green industrial area
    Project: GreenIndustrialAreas
    Physical Meeting
    26. March 2024
    13:30 - 15:30 (EET)
    Thematic Seminar on Renewable energy and energy efficiency in industrial areas
    Project: GreenIndustrialAreas
    Virtual Meeting & Physical Meeting
    26. September 2023
    09:00 - 16:30 (CET)
    Online Seminar on Energy Efficiency and Smart Energy Management
    Project: GreenIndustrialAreas
    Virtual Meeting
    14. September 2023
    14:00 - 16:00 (EET)