Baltic Municipality’s Food Coalition
BSR Food Coalition

"Preconditions for the "Farm-To-School" Model from Stakeholders' Perspective: the Case of Klaipeda Region" in the 15th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE – 2023

10 July 2024
Technical details

Prof. Dr. Simona Grigaliūnienė presented the project with the presentation “Preconditions for the “Farm-To-School” Model from Stakeholders’ Perspective: the Case of Klaipeda Region”  in the 15th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE – 2023 ON SUSTAINABLE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT: ECONOMICAL, MANAGEMENT, LAW AND TECHNOLOGICAL POSSIBILITIES to be held at the Lithuania Business College, Klaipeda, 6 – 7’th October 2023, which had a multidisciplinary approach including the focus to the Sustainable Development goals. Also it is worth mention that the article was published in the journal ( which is open access available online and also sent to the stakeholders who participated in the surveys. 2) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Julija Melnikova presented the project in the Baltic University Programme Symposium: Designing the “Farm-to-school” model in Baltic countries: implications from the empiric research and further directions. Uppsala : Uppsala Universitet, Sweden. 2023-11-07; 3) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Julija Melnikova presented the project in Baltic University Programme: Special session Universities as leaders for sustainable development – practices from different regions of Europe: Developing the “Farm-to-school” model in Klaipeda region: target groups’ perspectives. 2024 04 09. 4) Also there was a special section created in Klaipėda University website for the project dissemination with a uploaded Framework including the pilot descriptions, the link to the website: This section was created to have a possibility for the wider impact, since Klaipėda University is a part of EU Conexus (European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability), which consist of 9 Universities, so this gives opportunity to disseminate the project with all the partners. Also, the link to the project page was send to the stakeholders providing the possibility to access the Framework document. 5)The project was disseminated in the European project dissemination platform EPALE: