Urban Knowledge Hubs - Transformative Societal Spaces for Hybrid Libraries in the Baltic Sea Region

Cake for Ideas

03 July 2024
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During the semester, the staff at Aarhus University Library engaged with the students at Aarhus University in Herning by offering them a simple trade; cake for ideas.

Utilizing ground plans and 3D-printed furniture models the students were encouraged to draw, build, and write down their ideas. Once the conversation was flowing the students had plenty of suggestions on how to make use of the new library space, including what to keep, new things to introduce and what not to do.

The gathering around coffee and cake set the scene for an informal encounter and a welcome break for the hard-working students; many of whom were preparing for their summer exams.

A lot of the suggestions involved the physical space such as building materials, furniture, plants, and acoustics while others concerned specific library services.

Going forth, we will choose a few ideas to focus on while keeping the others for the future development of the library space.

Solveig Sandal Johnsen