Circular Economy makerspace
Circular spaces

Project results presented at the EU|BIC Essentials Deep Dives I: Incubation Services for Circular Economy

27 June 2024
Valmiera Development Agency Head of The Board Ilze Eglāja took part in the EU|BIC Essentials Deep Dives I: Incubation Services for Circular Economy, where she presented the main achievements accomplished in the 'Circular Economy makerspace' project.
Technical details

Ilze Eglāja participated in the EU|BIC Essentials Deep Dives I: Incubation Services for Circular Economy which brought together professionals and organizations involved in business incubation and acceleration services.

Ilze presented:

  • Transformation of makerspaces – transformation guidelines. The guidelines include 10 practical checklists of activities that any makerspace (and other organisations) can implement.
  • Guidelines for education programme: An eight-topic educational programme to increase awareness of the circular economy among SMEs, start-ups, makers, local and regional authorities, interest groups and other stakeholders and participants.
  • Guidelines for digital maker community tool: A digital cross-border tool that brings together the international community of makers by offering a variety of sharing economy and other sustainable services that promote the implementation of circular economy principles.
About EBN

EBN (European Business and Innovation Centre Network) is a not-for-profit that serves a pan-European, global community of people that use innovative business as a driver for regional (economic) development.

EBN’s initiatives include EU|BIC certification, development and distribution of quality business support programmes, facilitation and initiation of project collaborations, global networking and advocacy for excellent business support actors like the EU|BICs.