Urban Knowledge Hubs - Transformative Societal Spaces for Hybrid Libraries in the Baltic Sea Region

New Space for Aarhus BSS Business Engineers

03 April 2024
Right before Christmas 2023 a new space for the library in Campus Herning was announced. A brainstorm on furniture, services and other thoughts about this new space was made in a workshop with faculty employees and students.
Technical details

Take-aways from this workshop was mainly:

  • There is a need for quiet space
  • Power outlets are very important
  • Do not let the copy machines take the space (get them out of the library)
  • Coffee machine inside the library
  • Organic materials are wanted
  • Important with books in the library
  • Nice if components and machinery could be something the library could lend out
  • Automatic lighting control
  • Better and bigger signs at the Library

With the output here in mind (mix of feedback from faculty and students) the plan is to focus more on needs and wishes from the particular group of students (economics and engineering) before summer 2024.

Martin Hauge Zeuner and Solveig Johnsen


Herning Picture 1: A view inside Campus Herning with the main lecture hall which is located near the new location of the AU Library. Herning picture 2: The new Library location which has to be rebuilt in the near future.

Photos taken by Susanne Dalsgaard Krag.