BioBoosters - Boosting the circular transition

Fibenol Hackathon: How to turn wood into food?

11 March 2024
On 16th of February Centre of Bioeconomy in Estonian University of Life Sciences and Fibenol launched the application for Fibenol Hackathon “WOOD TO FOOD”.  
Technical details


Fibenol is a biotech innovator driving the chemicals and materials industry towards sustainability. Fibenol produces high quality bioproducts from woody biomass. The portfolio includes natural and low carbon footprint lignin LIGNOVA, cellulosic sugars, and specialty celluloses. Cellulosic sugars, lignin & specialty cellulose could offer possibilities in feed & food sectors. Lignin has natural antioxidant behavior, which can add a benefit to the overall quality of food products. In addition, it could serve as a fiber component in food.  

Fibenol annual production capacity is 6,5 kton lignin, 20 kton of cellulosic sugars and specialty cellulose at ton scale. 

What is the challenge about? 

Harnessing the power of lignocellulosics opens doors to a sustainable biotech era. From groundbreaking advancements in biochemical production to creating nutrient-rich animal feed, these materials pave the way for a greener future.  

“With the growing world population and higher demand for food and feed, we need to find alternative sources as feedstock”, said Katrin Jõgi the sustainability manager in Fibenol and Bioeconomy youth ambassador.  

“To give you some nourishing ideas, lignin can be used as resource for vanillin production, xylitol can be produced from xylose, cask aging flavors can be produced from lignin to name just a few” said Karl Peebo, product manager in Fibenol. 

Depending on the maturity of the idea, Fibenol offers Hackathon participants either the opportunity for business cooperation, or the opportunity to start or develop a joint project or pilot for testing the presented idea, including our biomaterials to pilot the idea. 

If you have an idea for the solution or are you ready to demonstrate, apply now for the Fibenol Hackathon “WOOD TO FOOD”, deadline 20.03.2024 

Don’t miss this opportunity to turn your vision into reality. For more information, visit our website or contact us. Want to know more -> LOOK HERE 


Katrin Kepp,, +37256157938 

Lili Veesaar, 

Kerli Liiv,