Blue-Green Bio Lab across the BSR
Blue-Green Bio Lab

Blue Green Bio Lab Toolkit - Guided Presentation is now ready!

04 March 2024
Here is a chance for a sneak peak at the Blue Green Bio Lab Toolkit.
Technical details


We are enthusiastic about spreading the word about our learning in the Blue Green Bio Lab Project. AND we want to make this learning easily available and accessible to everyone.


Part of our focus here at the end of the project is therefore providing written and video communication about the Blue Green Bio Lab Toolkit. To do these we are developing short guides to our toolkit in 4 languages: English, Danish, Latvian and Swedish.

These guided presentations of the toolkit are meant to give viewers a short introduction to the project, the set up of the toolkit and a sneak peak at our key learning and recommendations from the project.

You can see the guided presentation of the toolkit in English via this link: (692) Blue Green Bio Lab-project. Guided tour in toolkit – YouTube

You can see the guided presentation of the tookit in Danish via this Link Guide til toolkit i projekt Blue Green Biolab

You can see the guided presentation of the toolkit in Latvian via this link

Latvian guide to toolkit in Blue Green BioLab

You can see the guided presentation of the toolkit from Sweden here:

Guided toolkit Lysekil